-Ecotourism helps preserve environments and local cultures.
-Most tourists want to visit a place where the environment and culture have been preserved.
=The tourism industry should strive to provide ecotourism for tourists.
-It costs money to promote and sustain ecotourism.
-When people are educated and encouraged, they respond.
=There should be environmental education and ecotourism award schemes to educate and encourage ecotourism in the world.
Keeping any environment clean and healthy is an expensive job. It takes time and money. Most people don’t want to just give away their time and money because those are valuable assets. In order to persuade people to provide their assets to help out the cause of ecotourism, awards and educational programs need to be implemented. Awards need to be given to places which emphasize and value ecotourism and educational programs need to be included in schooling so
future generations will preserve our earth and the diverse cultures within.
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