-Hybrid cars save money on fuel costs.
-Fuel costs are one of the biggest expenses people have to pay.
=People who own Hybrid cars have more money.
-People who care about the environment are good people.
-Hybrid cars are environment friendly vehicles.
=Everyone who drives a hybrid car is a good person.
Gasoline powered vehicles are a detriment to the eco system and much more expensive to power than a Hybrid vehicle. Some people say that gasoline powered vehicles are just as cost efficient as Hybrid vehicles, but I argue that as the cost of gasoline has risen and will continue to rise that Hybrid cars will become more and more efficient and gasoline powered cars should be done away as soon as possible. Seeing as how Hybrid technology has been around for over 10 years, it’s a wonder that gasoline powered cars are still in production. Just as things of the past like horse and buggy, typewriters, and abaci have all been phased out, gasoline powered cars soon will be too. Just as these things used to be efficient, they are things of the past and are no longer needed. Gasoline powered cars should soon be added to this list and done away with.
Yay! They work! Good luck with your paper!
Those are very good!!! I like thse sylogisms. Nice Job
Syllogisms work really well. Sounds like this is going to be an interesting paper.
everything looks great. i really like the syllogisms, and i agree, everyone who has a hybrid has more money.
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