#1 Every Vote Counts
#2 People complain about the outcome
#3 Since every vote counts, people should vote so they won’t have to complain about the outcome
#1 Founding Fathers had a vision of America
#2 People need to support the Electoral College
#3 Our Founding Fathers had a vision for America so people need to support the Electoral College.
As students at Brigham Young University we need to take into careful consideration our rights as voters. There are many people in the nation who complain about the final outcomes of our Presidential Elections and yet about half of those people either don’t or don’t care to vote because they don’t think their vote counts. Every vote counts, as evidence from the Presidential Election involving Al Gore and George W. Bush. The votes were so close Gore demanded a recount in Florida because every single vote counts.
sounds like its gonna be great paper!
I am really confused on your second set of syllogisms. I would perhaps add another statement before making the concluding remark so that it will make more sense.
Maybe you could clarify #1 by saying, In elections, Every vote counts.
And #2 by saying, people complain about the outcome of the elections.
Even though I knew what you were saying I think you could be more clear. Great Job!
On the first syllogism maybe say "complain about the ouctcome of presidential elections," or something like that. It will make it a little more clear
Nice Idea. I would not of thought of that. It looks nice.
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